Accord Law is Scarborough’s top choice for reliable notary public services. Our team of legal professionals has decades of experience notarizing and administering affidavits, oaths, declarations, affirmations, and authenticating true copies of documents for the community. Whether you need a certified copy of your ID, a declaration on a legal matter, authenticating the validity of signatures, or signing and stamping legal documents, we can help.

What Is a Notary Public?

A notary public is a person designated by the government to act as an impartial witness to administer oaths, authenticate legal documents, and take affidavits and declarations on legal matters. Their role is to validate the identity of the person signing the document and authenticity of signatures in order to prevent fraud when signing documents.

When Do I Need to See a Notary Public?

Financial institutions as well as the court system, often require that documents that need to be signed are witnessed and officiated by a notary public. What type of documents does this include? Any documents that will be enforceable and will require a record. This can include, (but is not limited to), court documents, Wills, Trusts, Executorships, Power of Attorney documents, Articles of Incorporation, Contracts, Loan Agreements, and Deeds, to name a few.

Is There Anything a Notary Public Cannot Do?

There are some documents that a notary public cannot witness. If an agreement falls outside of the notary public’s practice, one of our lawyers would provide you with the advice you need. A notary public also cannot prepare legal documents on your behalf. If you need any legal documents or legal advice, we can arrange for one of our lawyers to work with you in this instance.

How Does the Notarization Process Work?

When a document signing needs to be witnessed, we require all parties to meet at our office. Valid identification, such as a government-issued photo ID, must be presented. The document will then be signed by all necessary parties in the presence of the notary public. Once all parties have signed, the document will be officiated by the notary public by way of an official stamp and signature to confirm the authenticity of the signatures and validity of the document.

A notary public is an essential part of the legal process. Their job is to ensure that all parties are protected in an agreement and that you’re never forced to sign anything against your own will. When you need anything notarized, please contact us at Accord Law and we’ll be happy to help you with the documents you need to be witnessed.

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